Learn the Pioneering Principles + Proven Tactics to Multiply Your Productivity, Accelerate Your Performance and Create a World-Class Business and Life.

I am absolutely dedicated to helping you win. So, I'd like to share a phenomenal opportunity with you today...

...You can now register for my new online mentoring program, The Circle of Legends [RobinSharmaNation].  

In The Circle of Legends, I personally walk you through the rituals, routines, tools and tactics that the best in the world are currently applying to dominate their domains and build lives they adore.  

When you sign up for 3 months of The Circle of Legends [the value received over the next 3 months will far exceed the investment you make here today], in addition, I will send you two exclusive and valuable bonuses.

Register for your online mentoring membership now >>

I'd Love To Help You Multiply Your Personal & Professional Success By Coaching You Each Month In My World-Class Digital Mentoring Program The Circle of Legends.

Let’s have a look inside The Circle of Legends…

As Seen On:

...For years I’ve been asked to create an online program where I share the advanced information I usually only share with the billionaires, NBA superstars, celebrity CEOs and and other elite titans I serve as the private advisor to.  

Let me help you:

  • break through the fears and limits that have kept you small your entire life
  • develop an unbeatable mindset, heartset, healthset and soulset
  • discover the habits and rituals of the most successful people on Earth
  • x25 your productivity and performance
  • create a perfect balance between work and family life
  • get fitter than you’ve ever been and experience levels of happiness you’ve never known  
  • become prosperous at a level very few ever will and do world-class work that inspires others

1. A World-Class Digital Mentoring Program

Every month you will be delivered my absolute BEST content.

This mentorship program is wisdom condensed down into a streamlined structure that you’ll be able to implement into your daily life.  

We start with your interior life and then move on to the version of yourself that you project to the world.  

Please note: this is the same approach I use while mentoring my elite coaching clients.  

If you trust the process and do the work required, I truly believe your life will change.

2. Powerful Monthly Webinar

Every month, a new masterclass is released in addition to the core mentoring program within The Circle of Legends.

The purpose of this is to dive deeper and solidify what’s learned in order to truly master the teachings.

Every great achiever in the world knows that mastery has always been a lengthy process, and these masterclasses will provide you with the material you need on a consistent basis to provide guidance along your journey. 

3. Success-Driven Community

If you’re familiar with my work, you’ve heard me mention how important it is to surround yourself with people who also want success.  

This is so you can encourage each other and all rise together.  

Inside The Circle of Legends, you are able to network with a community of likeminded people who are also on their path to Mastery.  

This is why the community within The Circle of Legends is absolutely priceless. It's a built-in network of success-driven, supportive people from all across the planet. 

This opportunity is only available for the next 


1 Month Membership to

The Circle Of Legends

$2972 Value


  • World-Class Monthly Online Mentorship $1995
  • Monthly Webinar with Robin $977
  • Success Driven Community PRICELESS

After 1st month you will be subscribed to monthly payment of $177.  

You can cancel your membership anytime and you won't be charged for any further monthly payments.

3 Month Membership to

The Circle Of Legends

$6,997 Value

$477/3 months

After that you will be subscribed to monthly payment of $247 . You can cancel anytime.

  • World-Class Monthly Online Mentorship $5985
  • Monthly Webinar with Robin $977
  • Success Driven Community PRICELESS 

First 3 months for $677. After that you will be subscribed to monthly payment of $247  

You can cancel your membership anytime and you won't be charged for any further monthly payments.



Try this life-changing program for 10 days. If you don’t love it, you’ll get a complete refund. I’ve removed all risk to you. I believe in the program that much. You can’t afford not to try this. So make the decision that will deliver the results you’ve always dreamed of.

This World-Class Digital Mentoring Program Is One Of The Finest Pieces Of Work My Team And I Have Ever Released.

People who’ve already brilliantly invested in themselves with The Circle of Legends are telling me it's the best program they've ever encountered... and that they're already beating procrastination, multiplying their happiness, achieving their goals and living their dreams...

"I absolutely loved what I felt was akin to one on one coaching and the passion with which every communication was presented!”

Felicity Nicol - member since November, 2017

“Thank you Robin for sharing these tactics and I really love the pyramid of success! You have thrilled me with the content you shared! Thank you once again!”

Bhawna Marwaha - member since June, 2018

“I have gotten x100 back my investment. I am full of ideas that I’m going to go back and execute on and take my life and my business to the next level.”

Carl-Johan Collet - Zambia

“Spend the money. It’s worth absolutely every cent. My life has changed x10.”

Leah Jay - Australia

“I have transformed myself from the inside out. I have become world-class in my own right and continue to aim and reach for my excellence. I listen to your material weekly, I seek your content wherever and whenever possible.”

Kyle Morgan - Australia

“I’m inspired to do great things for my people and great things for my community. ”

Shelly Butler - Canada

What are people saying about Robin Sharma’s world-famous live weekend event:

If you wait [and find excuses not to join versus getting off the fence and taking action to craft a life you adore], you'll miss one of the single greatest opportunities my shop has ever created...

Actually, not joining will cost you a lot more in terms of all you could have learned and achieved but didn't because you hesitated...

So make the decision that will change your life and:


...I've done everything I could to make this program full of world-class information and of massive value. And I'd LOVE to help you make big things happen in your life.  

So just do it and register now before you miss out.  

Together, let's make this YOUR chance to change the game and make HISTORY. 

Go ahead and get your membership now. You'll look back on this as a brilliant decision that changed the way you think, feel and perform.